Hello and welcome!
Thank you for viewing my blog. This is my attempt at providing some well-thought out opinion and analysis on issues regarding Trinidad and Tobago. Hopefully it will also stimulate thoughtful discussion about issues in our country as comments will be more than welcome.
A nation is as great as the strength and character of its citizens and communities; perhaps the more we look into ourselves and see ways to contribute to make our country one to be proud of, the better it shall be. The young and an educated populace are keys to our future and here there will also be content for students and lifelong learners and links to other Trinidad and Tobago blogs, news-sites and articles.
Any resources that I provide here will not only be from some Trinidad and Tobago or Caribbean source but rather from anywhere the information seems useful. I tend to be very universal and eclectic in my approach to issues and so my approach in putting together this blog will be no different.
My only constant and underlying focus, is for the betterment of Trinidad and Tobago:
Thank you for viewing my blog. This is my attempt at providing some well-thought out opinion and analysis on issues regarding Trinidad and Tobago. Hopefully it will also stimulate thoughtful discussion about issues in our country as comments will be more than welcome.
A nation is as great as the strength and character of its citizens and communities; perhaps the more we look into ourselves and see ways to contribute to make our country one to be proud of, the better it shall be. The young and an educated populace are keys to our future and here there will also be content for students and lifelong learners and links to other Trinidad and Tobago blogs, news-sites and articles.
Any resources that I provide here will not only be from some Trinidad and Tobago or Caribbean source but rather from anywhere the information seems useful. I tend to be very universal and eclectic in my approach to issues and so my approach in putting together this blog will be no different.
My only constant and underlying focus, is for the betterment of Trinidad and Tobago:
Trinbago: Two Islands, One Nation - Trinbago Forever!
Trinidad lacks legislation, for the country to become a better place, the government needs to become stronger.